
Hi! My name is Kelsey, I am 25 years old, and I love to read. When I was young I was a much more voracious reader than I am now; I read constantly and quickly and mostly about children with magic or dragons or both. But now that I am not a kid anymore I don’t have the time to read near as much as I used to, and I definitely do not read as fast, so my TBR list goes back years. Between this and borrowing most books I read from the library, I am rarely up to date with the newest releases. I also am usually going back and forth between multiple books at one time, and I choose what to read on a whim rather than what’s been released recently. So you can see why I am behind! But I am always working on catching up. Hence the title of this blog-I haven’t read that yet…but I will!

I read a lot of YA, and I love science fiction and fantasy. I also love comics and graphic novels. Any book with a good romance is better to me than one without! My favorite tropes are found family and fake dating, and I love heists, space, and dragons. My current favorite series are The Salvagers Series and The Folk of the Air series. Some of my favorite books are The Goldfinch; Red, White, and Royal Blue; Six of Crows; In Other Lands; Stardust; Jellicoe Road; and Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye Run.